Saturday, January 25, 2014

Merchandise Tier 1 Training

So today I had my first day of in-costume training at Disney's Animal Kingdom, this is also known as Merchandise Tier 1. The morning started out with about two hours of E-Learning in the computer lab at the DAK Cast Services building. Although the two hours flew by, it didn't make it any less boring. There were about five of us in there, all were ladies I had DAKlimation with.

After the E-Learning, we got our Pin Trading lanyards! I'm super excited for that aspect of merchandise and actually did a lot of Pin Trading with guests when I was out in the park! After some more talk about Disney's Four Keys (ALWAYS) it was already lunch, which we all had in Pride Rock cafeteria.

After lunch, we split up with individual trainers based on what land we were in and we got well acquainted with the area and the merchandise locations within our area, not to mention all the backstage areas. I was a little disappointed to find out that the majority of merchandise locations in Asia are all outdoor carts, which means working outside, which is not exactly wonderful in the Florida heat/humidity/rain. There's actually only one indoor location. While today was a pretty general overview, it sounded like we rotate throughout all these locations during our shift.

Overall I feel like it was a very long day for not a lot of stuff, but all in all it was a fine day.

Alright, so the moment you've all been waiting for...the reveal of my costume. Let me prelude this by telling you that sadly, this costume is probably one of the best ones there. Get excited people.

Even though I was dead tired after training, we HAD to hit up Hollywood Studios with just an hour to spare (duh)!!! We went with our favorite DCP boys, our neighbors across the hall, and were able to ride Hollywood Tower of Terror and Rockin' Roller Coaster. I also saw Fantasmic for my very first time and I cried really hard like such a weenie. Just one of those side effects of Disney magic I guess!

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