Monday, November 4, 2013

Officially Accepted!

I can't tell you how long I've dreamed of writing this blog! I just felt in my heart that I was going to find out today. Today I kept my Dashboard open on another tab and in between study breaks I would refresh it, with no new news. Finally I decided to stop checking for a while so I could get my study on. A while later I thought, "what the heck," and I refreshed my Dashboard again. Where I normally saw "Thank you for applying," I saw "Congratulations!"

I, of course, freaked out and immediately went to my email and found this beauty waiting for me!

At 1:39pm the email I had been long awaiting for had finally arrived! Like the girl I am I immediately started crying. I couldn't believe it. I was accepted. The email I received took me to further documentation where I found out my role: merchandise. I have to admit, I am not upset, however I'm not exactly thrilled, I really wanted concierge for some reason. However, my first job when I was fifteen was in retail so I know I'll be able to handle myself. Plus, I did put merchandise as "High Interest" on my application for that very reason. I know that no matter what I do, I'm going to have an amazing time! I can't wait to find out what park I'm in!

Excited as ever, I quickly paid my program fees, a whopping $304.50 (thanks Mom!) and picked my arrival/departure dates: January 20th-May 16th. I had met this girl Sydney via Facebook before I got accepted and we talked about being potential roommates if I got accepted and if I ended up getting the same dates as her. Luckily we have the same dates so I found my future roommate. Now we just have to find two more because we'd love to live in a Patterson two bedroom.

After I followed all the steps that were required, I received a couple more emails and now it's officially official! In a little over two months I will be in Florida, living there! Obviously it still hasn't hit me yet, everyone was right when they said it's a pretty surreal feeling.

Well now that I've been I plan to start a vlog in addition to this blog (I didn't want to start it earlier just in case), I know it can sometimes be boring to read lengthy posts, so look forward to that! Until then I need to focus on school so I can come out of this semester with my 4.0 goal. I'll update you with anything DCP if it comes my way!

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  1. Congrats!! I am so glad you got accepted, we have the same role! YAY FOR MERCH!

  2. Thank you! And that's awesome! Woo merchandise! :)

  3. Yes! I am seriously so happy for you! We must hang out once the program starts! :)

  4. Can I add you to my list of bloggers?

    1. Absolutely! Sorry I didn't ask you before I listed you under mine!!

    2. oh sweetie it is totally fine!
