Friday, March 28, 2014

Training Classes

By the time you get pretty settled into your job and you don’t feel like the “new kid” anymore (we all know how that feels), Disney decides that you’re ready to learn some new VERY IMPORTANT information. This is where training classes come in. Thus far I have had the extreme joy of attending two of these beautiful classes (I hope you can smell the sarcasm through the screen). 

If you’ve been following my blog, you have heard me mention the Four Keys Basics. These are the four….things?….that Disney employees work by. They are: Safety, Courtesy, Show, and Efficiency. These are nailed into your head from the day you get to Disney over and over and over and over……………..and over. They are four principles that keep our company going and I believe they’re important don’t get me wrong, but how much more can your learn about these four things? Apparently Disney believes about three more hours worth. Three more hours worth starting at 7:45AM. You can believe my excitement. My other class was Safety in Motion, or SIM for short, where you learn how to lift and move things properly, again another nail biter this one was. 

Both classes were early in the morning and both classes were three hours long. The plus side? You’re getting paid….alright I can deal with that. You’re with about 15-20 other people from around your park. And I’ll give it to the teachers, they try their hardest to make it interesting bless their souls. But if I never have to take another one of these classes again…….I wouldn’t hate the idea.

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