Today I received an email the Disney College Recruiting and Cast Image and Appearance Team about the "Disney Look." While I'm pretty familiar with the Disney Look, I figured I would outline it for potential applicants looking to learn more information.
Guidelines for Females
- Fingernails: Fingernails should be clean. If polish is used, it should be an appropriate, neutral color. This includes deeper, richer shades of polish. Polishes that are not permitted include black, gold, silver, multicolored or neon. Charms or decals on fingernails are not permitted. Fingernails should not exceed one-fourth of an inch (approximately 6 mm) beyond the fingertip.
- Hairstyling:
- Hair should be neatly combed and arranged in a classic, easy-to-maintain style. Extreme styles are not permitted.
- Hair below shoulder length should be confined if it falls forward over the face while working.
- Conservative braided hairstyles without beads or ornamentation are permitted.
- Hair products may be used to create a soft, natural hairstyle within these guidelines.
- Shaving of the head or any portion of the head or eyebrows is not permitted.
- Artificial hair is permitted if it looks natural and meets all of the above requirements
- Hair Coloring: The Disney Look does not permit extremes in dyeing, bleaching or coloring. If the hair color is changed, it must be natural-looking and well maintained. Subtle highlighting or frosting is permitted as long as it creates a uniform look over the whole head and meets all of the previously listed guidelines.
- Makeup: If makeup is worn, it should be applied in a blended manner and in appropriate, neutral colors.
Guidelines for Males
Facial Hair: For all male Cast Members, a fully grown in, well-maintained mustache, beard, or goatee is permitted, unless otherwise restricted by regulatory codes and standards.
- Facial hair must be neatly trimmed and may not present an unkempt appearance. Extreme styles are prohibited.
- All facial hair (beards, goatees and mustaches) must create an overall neat, polished and professional look.
- All facial hair must be fully grown in, neatly groomed and well maintained at no longer than a quarter of an inch in length. Mustaches may extend below the corners of the mouth to meet with the facial beard.
- Shaping the mustache or beard to a particular style is not permitted. Mustaches (without lower facial hair) must not extend onto or over the upper lip and must extend to the corners of the mouth, but not beyond or below the corners.
- Cast Members without a mustache, beard, or goatee are expected to be clean-shaven every day.
- For clarification on whether a mustache, beard or goatee is acceptable, please consult your area leader or contact the Cast Image and Appearance team.
Not Acceptable
Fingernails: Clean, presentable fingernails are a must. Fingernails should not extend beyond the tip of the finger.
Hairstyling: Following are the Disney Look guidelines for hairstyles:
Sideburns: Sideburns should be neatly trimmed, straight and even in width, and are permitted to extend to the bottom of the earlobe. They should blend naturally from the hairline and from the length of hair on the head. Flares or muttonchops are not permitted.
Hairstyling: Following are the Disney Look guidelines for hairstyles:
- Hair must be neatly cut on the back and sides, forming a smooth, symmetrical appearance so that it does not extend beyond or cover any part of the ears or the shirt collar. The overall style must be neat, natural and balanced proportionally.
- A shaved head is permitted, as well as a very short military-style cut. Shaving of the eyebrows is not permitted.
- Conservative braided hairstyles for men without beads or ornamentation are permitted. They must be styled above the ears and cut above the collar and be neatly braided close to the scalp in straight rows.
- Tucking hair behind the ears, or pinning or tucking it under a hat to conceal an unacceptable hairstyle will not be permitted.
- Extreme or bi-level styles are not permitted.
- Hair products may be used to create a soft, natural hairstyle within these guidelines.
- Artificial hair is permitted if it looks natural and meets all of the above requirements.
Not Acceptable
Hair Coloring: The Disney Look does not permit extremes in dyeing, bleaching or coloring. If hair color is changed, it must be natural-looking and well maintained. Subtle highlighting or frosting is permitted as long as it creates a uniform look over the whole head and meets all of the previously listed guidelines.
Sideburns: Sideburns should be neatly trimmed, straight and even in width, and are permitted to extend to the bottom of the earlobe. They should blend naturally from the hairline and from the length of hair on the head. Flares or muttonchops are not permitted.
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